Продолжаем серию турниров подготовки к чемпионату мира по Pokemon Online. Включение 2-го поколения в список дисциплин оказалось сюрпризом, поэтому придётся вместо планируемого LU проводить его. Игроков на этот тир в команде нет, поэтому если хорошо себя проявите, шансы выступить на чемпионате мира у вас будут очень большие. Все любители кристала и затяжных матчей оценят по достоинству :)
1) Механика игр GSC 2) Все покемоны 100-го уровня. 3) Запрещено использование покемонов, входящих в Uber-список: Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi 4) Запрещён sleep trapping, то есть, использования в одном сете атаки, блокирующей отступление (Mean Look), и усыпляющей атаки (Hypnosis, Spore) 5) Используются следующие условия: Sleep Clause, Species Clause, Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause. По желанию одного из игроков может устанавливаться Freeze Clause.
Все бои проходят на канале PokeRus главного сервера Pokemon Online.
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Порядок турнира: 19-е марта: крайний срок подачи заявки на участие 25-е марта, понедельник, 23:59 мск: крайний срок проведения битв групповой стадии 31-е марта, воскресенье, 23:59 мск: крайний срок проведения битв стадии плей-офф, включая финал и битву за 3-е место
Своих противников вы можете ждать на сервере, либо согласовывать время битвы, в комментариях или в личке. Внимание! Начиная с этого турнира, если игроки не проводят свою битву в срок, будет более жёстко применяться правило присуждения победы по активности. Если до крайнего срока битвы остаётся менее трёх суток, а вы до сих пор не видели вашего противника, либо же видели, но он попросил провести битву позже, вы обязаны отписать комментарий в теме, с указанием того, под каким предлогом отказал вам противник, а также, в какое время в оставшиеся три дня вы доступны для проведения боя. Если онлайн вы бываете в определённое время/дни, то советую отписаться об этом заранее, не ожидая трёх суток. Так вы дадите больше пространства согласовать время битвы с противником, который тоже может быть онлайн не всегда. Если вы появляетесь в последний день и говорите, что сегодня с 23 до полуночи будете на сервере, ибо в остальное время заняты, ваш противник может не суметь быть онлайн, в случае чего техническое поражение получите вы, а не противник. Если и вы, и противник, были онлайн и отписывали посты активности, но договориться о битве так и не сумели, то вы оба получаете технические поражения. Да, надо уметь договариваться друг с другом, а не ждать, пока кто-то вам первый напишет. В случае чего, однако, можете написать в тему заранее, что у вас не получается договориться о битве, и организатор (я) постарается уладить вопрос. Можете также писать по этому вопросу в личку. Главное - не ждите до последнего дня, а если ждёте, то не удивляйтесь техническому поражению.
Всем нейтральной удачи! Не забывайте сохранять логи ваших битв, и отправлять их мне или CoupeDeBoule'у, если планируете участвовать в чемпионате мира в формате 2-го поколения. Under the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me. There lie they, and here lie we Under the spreading chestnut tree.
[Aura]Mister Tim sent out Gengar! Mult sent out Gengar!
Start of turn 1 Gengar used Hypnosis! The foe's Gengar fell asleep!
The foe's Gengar is fast asleep.
Dark Azelf is watching the battle.
Start of turn 2 Mult called Gengar back! Mult sent out Raikou!
Gengar used Psychic! The foe's Raikou lost 24% of its health!
The foe's Raikou restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 3 Mult called Raikou back! Mult sent out Tyranitar!
[Aura]Mister Tim called Gengar back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Blissey!
Start of turn 4 [Aura]Mister Tim called Blissey back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Vaporeon!
The foe's Tyranitar used Earthquake! Vaporeon lost 141 HP! (30% of its health)
Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 5 Mult called Tyranitar back! Mult sent out Raikou!
Vaporeon used Acid Armor! Vaporeon's Defense sharply rose!
The foe's Raikou restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 6 [Aura]Mister Tim called Vaporeon back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Blissey!
The foe's Raikou used Thunder! The attack of the foe's Raikou missed!
The foe's Raikou restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 7 Mult called Raikou back! Mult sent out Gengar!
Blissey used Toxic! But it failed!
Start of turn 8 [Aura]Mister Tim called Blissey back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Jolteon!
The foe's Gengar is fast asleep.
Start of turn 9 Mult called Gengar back! Mult sent out Raikou!
Jolteon used Agility! Jolteon's Speed sharply rose!
The foe's Raikou restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 10 Jolteon used Thunder! The attack of Jolteon missed!
The foe's Raikou used Roar! Snorlax was dragged out!
The foe's Raikou restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 11 Mult called Raikou back! Mult sent out Skarmory!
Snorlax used Earthquake! It had no effect on the foe's Skarmory!
Start of turn 12 The foe's Skarmory used Drill Peck! Snorlax lost 110 HP! (21% of its health)
Snorlax used Body Slam! It's not very effective... The foe's Skarmory lost 13% of its health! The foe's Skarmory is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 13 Snorlax used Curse! Snorlax's Attack rose! Snorlax's Defense rose! Snorlax's Speed fell!
The foe's Skarmory used Drill Peck! Snorlax lost 74 HP! (14% of its health)
Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 14 Snorlax used Curse! Snorlax's Attack rose! Snorlax's Defense rose! Snorlax's Speed fell!
The foe's Skarmory used Whirlwind! Blissey was dragged out!
The foe's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 15 Blissey used Flamethrower! It's super effective! The foe's Skarmory lost 43% of its health!
The foe's Skarmory used Drill Peck! Blissey lost 188 HP! (26% of its health)
Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 16 Mult called Skarmory back! Mult sent out Snorlax!
Blissey used Softboiled! Blissey regained health!
Start of turn 17 [Aura]Mister Tim called Blissey back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Vaporeon!
The foe's Snorlax used Lovely Kiss! Vaporeon fell asleep!
Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 18 [Aura]Mister Tim called Vaporeon back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Marowak!
The foe's Snorlax used Curse! The foe's Snorlax's Attack rose! The foe's Snorlax's Defense rose! The foe's Snorlax's Speed fell!
Start of turn 19 Marowak used Swords Dance! Marowak's Attack sharply rose!
The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! Marowak lost 143 HP! (44% of its health) Marowak is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Start of turn 20 Mult called Snorlax back! Mult sent out Skarmory!
Marowak used Earthquake! It had no effect on the foe's Skarmory!
The foe's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 21 Marowak is paralyzed! It can't move!
The foe's Skarmory used Whirlwind! Vaporeon was dragged out!
Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 22 Mult called Skarmory back! Mult sent out Raikou!
Vaporeon is fast asleep.
Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 23 [Aura]Mister Tim called Vaporeon back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Blissey!
The foe's Raikou used Thunder! Blissey lost 133 HP! (18% of its health) Blissey is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 24 Mult called Raikou back! Mult sent out Snorlax!
Blissey used Heal Bell! A bell chimed!
Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 25 [Aura]Mister Tim called Blissey back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Vaporeon!
The foe's Snorlax used Lovely Kiss! The attack of the foe's Snorlax missed!
Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 26 Vaporeon used Toxic! The foe's Snorlax was badly poisoned!
The foe's Snorlax used Lovely Kiss! Vaporeon fell asleep! The foe's Snorlax was hurt by poison!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 27 Mult called Snorlax back! Mult sent out Vaporeon!
Vaporeon is fast asleep.
Start of turn 28 [Aura]Mister Tim called Vaporeon back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Jolteon!
The foe's Vaporeon used Growth! The foe's Vaporeon's Sp. Att. rose!
Start of turn 29 Mult called Vaporeon back! Mult sent out Snorlax! The foe's Snorlax was hurt by poison!
Jolteon used Growth! Jolteon's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 30 Jolteon used Baton Pass! [Aura]Mister Tim called Jolteon back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Blissey!
The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! Blissey lost 292 HP! (40% of its health) The foe's Snorlax was hurt by poison!
Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 31 Blissey used Flamethrower! The foe's Snorlax lost 16% of its health!
The foe's Snorlax used Curse! The foe's Snorlax's Attack rose! The foe's Snorlax's Defense rose! The foe's Snorlax's Speed fell! The foe's Snorlax was hurt by poison!
Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 32 Blissey used Softboiled! Blissey regained health!
The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! Blissey lost 418 HP! (58% of its health) The foe's Snorlax was hurt by poison!
Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 33 Blissey used Softboiled! Blissey regained health!
The foe's Snorlax used Rest! The foe's Snorlax went to sleep and became healthy!
Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 34 [Aura]Mister Tim called Blissey back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Marowak!
Mult called Snorlax back! Mult sent out Vaporeon!
Start of turn 35 [Aura]Mister Tim called Marowak back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Blissey!
The foe's Vaporeon used Surf! Blissey lost 92 HP! (12% of its health)
Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 36 The foe's Vaporeon used Growth! The foe's Vaporeon's Sp. Att. rose!
Blissey used Heal Bell! A bell chimed!
Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 37 The foe's Vaporeon used Growth! The foe's Vaporeon's Sp. Att. rose!
Blissey used Toxic! The foe's Vaporeon was badly poisoned!
Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 38 The foe's Vaporeon used Growth! The foe's Vaporeon's Sp. Att. rose! The foe's Vaporeon was hurt by poison!
Blissey used Flamethrower! It's not very effective... The foe's Vaporeon lost 7% of its health!
The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 39 The foe's Vaporeon used Surf! Blissey lost 224 HP! (31% of its health) The foe's Vaporeon was hurt by poison!
Blissey used Flamethrower! It's not very effective... A critical hit! The foe's Vaporeon lost 14% of its health!
The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 40 The foe's Vaporeon used Growth! The foe's Vaporeon's Sp. Att. rose! The foe's Vaporeon was hurt by poison!
Blissey used Flamethrower! It's not very effective... The foe's Vaporeon lost 6% of its health!
The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 41 The foe's Vaporeon used Rest! The foe's Vaporeon went to sleep and became healthy!
Blissey used Softboiled! Blissey regained health!
Start of turn 42 [Aura]Mister Tim called Blissey back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Jolteon!
The foe's Vaporeon is fast asleep.
Start of turn 43 Mult called Vaporeon back! Mult sent out Snorlax!
Jolteon used Thunder! The attack of Jolteon missed!
Start of turn 44 Jolteon used Growth! Jolteon's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Snorlax is fast asleep.
Start of turn 45 Jolteon used Thunder! The foe's Snorlax lost 43% of its health!
The foe's Snorlax is fast asleep.
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 46 Jolteon used Thunder! The attack of Jolteon missed!
The foe's Snorlax woke up! The foe's Snorlax used Lovely Kiss! Jolteon fell asleep!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 47 [Aura]Mister Tim called Jolteon back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Vaporeon!
The foe's Snorlax used Curse! The foe's Snorlax's Attack rose! The foe's Snorlax's Defense rose! The foe's Snorlax's Speed fell!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 48 Vaporeon used Toxic! The foe's Snorlax was badly poisoned!
The foe's Snorlax used Curse! The foe's Snorlax's Attack rose! The foe's Snorlax's Defense rose! The foe's Snorlax's Speed fell! The foe's Snorlax was hurt by poison!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 49 Vaporeon used Acid Armor! Vaporeon's Defense sharply rose!
The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! Vaporeon lost 137 HP! (29% of its health) The foe's Snorlax was hurt by poison!
Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 50 Mult called Snorlax back! Mult sent out Raikou!
Vaporeon used Surf! The foe's Raikou lost 32% of its health!
The foe's Raikou restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 51 Mult called Raikou back! Mult sent out Snorlax! The foe's Snorlax was hurt by poison!
[Aura]Mister Tim called Vaporeon back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Blissey!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 52 [Aura]Mister Tim called Blissey back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Marowak!
The foe's Snorlax used Rest! The foe's Snorlax went to sleep and became healthy!
Start of turn 53 Mult called Snorlax back! Mult sent out Skarmory!
Marowak used Swords Dance! Marowak's Attack sharply rose!
The foe's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 54 Marowak used Rock Slide! The foe's Skarmory lost 42% of its health!
The foe's Skarmory used Whirlwind! Snorlax was dragged out!
Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 55 Snorlax used Curse! Snorlax's Attack rose! Snorlax's Defense rose! Snorlax's Speed fell!
The foe's Skarmory is paralyzed! It can't move!
Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 56 Snorlax used Body Slam! It's not very effective... The foe's Skarmory lost 19% of its health!
The foe's Skarmory used Whirlwind! Blissey was dragged out!
The foe's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 57 Mult called Skarmory back! Mult sent out Snorlax!
Blissey used Flamethrower! The foe's Snorlax lost 10% of its health!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 58 [Aura]Mister Tim called Blissey back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Snorlax!
Mult called Snorlax back! Mult sent out Vaporeon!
Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 59 The foe's Vaporeon is fast asleep.
The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 67 The foe's Vaporeon used Growth! The foe's Vaporeon's Sp. Att. rose!
Snorlax used Body Slam! The foe's Vaporeon lost 25% of its health!
The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 68 The foe's Vaporeon used Surf! Snorlax lost 298 HP! (56% of its health)
Snorlax used Body Slam! A critical hit! The foe's Vaporeon lost 38% of its health! The foe's Vaporeon fainted! Mult sent out Tyranitar! Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 69 The foe's Tyranitar used Earthquake! Snorlax lost 37 HP! (7% of its health)
Snorlax used Earthquake! It's super effective! A critical hit! The foe's Tyranitar lost 100% of its health! The foe's Tyranitar fainted! Mult sent out Skarmory! The foe's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 70 Snorlax used Body Slam! It's not very effective... The foe's Skarmory lost 40% of its health!
The foe's Skarmory used Whirlwind! Gengar was dragged out!
The foe's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 71 Gengar used Thunderbolt! It's super effective! The foe's Skarmory lost 7% of its health! The foe's Skarmory fainted! Mult sent out Raikou! The foe's Raikou restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 72 [Aura]Mister Tim called Gengar back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Blissey!
The foe's Raikou used Thunder! The attack of the foe's Raikou missed!
The foe's Raikou restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 73 Mult called Raikou back! Mult sent out Gengar!
Blissey used Flamethrower! The foe's Gengar lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Gengar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 74 [Aura]Mister Tim called Blissey back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Vaporeon!
The foe's Gengar woke up! The foe's Gengar used DynamicPunch! Vaporeon lost 77 HP! (16% of its health) Vaporeon became confused!
The foe's Gengar restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 75 The foe's Gengar used Thunder! It's super effective! Vaporeon lost 233 HP! (50% of its health)
Vaporeon is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Vaporeon lost 36 HP! (7% of its health)
The foe's Gengar restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 76 The foe's Gengar used Thunder! The attack of the foe's Gengar missed!
Vaporeon snapped out its confusion. Vaporeon used Surf! The foe's Gengar lost 46% of its health!
The foe's Gengar restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 77 The foe's Gengar used Thunder! It's super effective! Vaporeon lost 120 HP! (25% of its health) Vaporeon fainted! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Gengar! The foe's Gengar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 78 Mult called Gengar back! Mult sent out Snorlax!
Gengar used Psychic! The foe's Snorlax lost 15% of its health!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 79 Gengar used Psychic! A critical hit! The foe's Snorlax lost 30% of its health!
The foe's Snorlax is fast asleep.
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 80 Mult called Snorlax back! Mult sent out Raikou!
Gengar used Explosion! The foe's Raikou lost 85% of its health! The foe's Raikou fainted! Gengar fainted! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Blissey! Mult sent out Gengar! The foe's Gengar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 81 The foe's Gengar used DynamicPunch! The attack of the foe's Gengar missed!
Blissey used Flamethrower! The foe's Gengar lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Gengar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 82 The foe's Gengar used DynamicPunch! The attack of the foe's Gengar missed!
Blissey used Flamethrower! A critical hit! The foe's Gengar lost 46% of its health!
The foe's Gengar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 83 The foe's Gengar used DynamicPunch! It's super effective! Blissey lost 309 HP! (43% of its health) Blissey became confused!
Blissey is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Blissey lost 35 HP! (4% of its health)
The foe's Gengar restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 84 The foe's Gengar used DynamicPunch! It's super effective! Blissey lost 321 HP! (45% of its health)
Blissey is confused! Blissey used Flamethrower! The foe's Gengar lost 19% of its health! The foe's Gengar fainted! Mult sent out Snorlax! Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 85 [Aura]Mister Tim called Blissey back! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Snorlax!
The foe's Snorlax is fast asleep.
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 86 The foe's Snorlax woke up! The foe's Snorlax used Curse! The foe's Snorlax's Attack rose! The foe's Snorlax's Defense rose! The foe's Snorlax's Speed fell!
Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 89 Snorlax used Curse! Snorlax's Attack rose! Snorlax's Defense rose! Snorlax's Speed fell!
The foe's Snorlax used Curse! The foe's Snorlax's Attack rose! The foe's Snorlax's Defense rose! The foe's Snorlax's Speed fell!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Dark Azelf stopped watching the battle.
Start of turn 90 Snorlax used Curse! Snorlax's Attack rose! Snorlax's Defense rose! Snorlax's Speed fell!
The foe's Snorlax used Curse! The foe's Snorlax's Attack rose! The foe's Snorlax's Defense rose! The foe's Snorlax's Speed fell!
Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 91 Snorlax used Curse! Snorlax's Defense rose! Snorlax's Speed fell!
The foe's Snorlax used Curse! The foe's Snorlax's Defense rose! The foe's Snorlax's Speed fell!
Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 92 Snorlax used Body Slam! The foe's Snorlax lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! Snorlax lost 118 HP! (22% of its health) Snorlax is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 93 The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! Snorlax lost 109 HP! (20% of its health)
Snorlax used Body Slam! The foe's Snorlax lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 94 The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! Snorlax lost 112 HP! (21% of its health)
Snorlax is paralyzed! It can't move!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 95 The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! Snorlax lost 107 HP! (20% of its health)
Snorlax used Body Slam! The foe's Snorlax lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 96 The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! Snorlax lost 116 HP! (22% of its health)
Snorlax is paralyzed! It can't move!
The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Mult: Р·Р±СЃ
Start of turn 97 The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! Snorlax lost 74 HP! (14% of its health) Snorlax fainted! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Blissey! Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 98 Blissey used Heal Bell! A bell chimed!
The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! Blissey lost 180 HP! (25% of its health) Blissey fainted! Dark Azelf is watching the battle. [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Jolteon! The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 99 Jolteon used Thunder! The foe's Snorlax lost 27% of its health!
The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! Jolteon lost 333 HP! (100% of its health) Jolteon fainted! [Aura]Mister Tim sent out Marowak! The foe's Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 100 Marowak used Earthquake! The foe's Snorlax lost 13% of its health!
The foe's Snorlax used Body Slam! A critical hit! Marowak lost 180 HP! (55% of its health) Marowak fainted! Mult won the battle!
Во всех пустяковых делах важен стиль, а не искренность. Во всех серьезных делах — тоже. -Оскар Уайльд
В общем, Хобгоблину техническое поражение за неактивность) Under the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me. There lie they, and here lie we Under the spreading chestnut tree.